New admin facility

I have just added an admin area for the Sylo Associates website which allows them to enter and update news items.  The client had an existing all-HTML website and did not want to go to the trouble and expense of creating a new CMS-based version so was looking for a simple system to manage just the news items themselves.

By providing a small database and edit function I was able to create a simple News Add/Edit page where they could set the news story, title, meta data (for SEO purposes) and embargo date. Text and images were entered using the ckEditor and ckFinder systems to minimise the learning curve.

A new “News” page was then provided that pulls the latest news from the database and provides news search and archive capabilities. This was enhanced with a Javascript function to pull the latest headline into the site footer. SEO was further enhanced by using plain text urls to reference the news items.

Another happy customer …