New mobile …

My poor old Orange SPV M5000 died a bit of a death recently, not completely fatal but enough to prompt me to move on to newer, better phones. Actually it happened just before a weekend away so I rsushed to my local Orange shop to grab a fast upgrade … “what have you got that’s free on my tariff and run’s windows?” … not that I’m the world’s number one Windows fan, but I have some utilities I want to hang on to, stuff in excel, putty and remote desktop access .. things that help me to run SeatChoice servers when I’m away from home and look after my client’s machines.

And so, the HTC Touch 3G landed up in my pocket – it is way smaller than the M5000 (also an HTC machine I believe) and runs Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional … and I’m happy. My applications moved over and I have found it fast and easy to configure. Questions: Why does ActiveSync not understand the need to sync files from storage card? Why wont ActiveSync sync my sim? Why is my only option for contact sync to dump the whole of my Outlook contact list to my phone – clearly a nonsense? And why do my sim contacts keep self-replicating themselves?

Have loaded some patience games, a back-up utility and a facebook client too …

Battery life is good … signal detection is better … so far I can’t fault it …