London Cabaret Awards 2012

The London Cabaret AwardsIn response to the recent hug growth in the cabaret and burlesque market in London, the new London Cabaret Awards is being launched by Excess All Areas, the renowned cabaret agency and producer.

An independent judging panel has been chosen to decide the nominees (long and short-list) for the eleven awards. There will also be a lifetime achievement award. The panel consists of Ben Walters (Cabaret editor, Time Out,), Jayne Hardy (agent , formerly with Whoopee), Catia Ciarico (venue organiser, RVT), Alexander Parsonage (producer, Finger in the Pie) and Lisa Lee (venue manager, Bistrotheque).

Their website will go live on 5th November 2011 (click on logo for link) where you will be able to find the “long lists” and by 5th January the list for each category will be reduced to just three nominees. Awards will be made on 16th February 2012.

London Cabaret Listings on SeatChoice