Day 14 – Matera, Day 2

A cooler day due to cloud cover, actually that made it more pleasant as the direct sun had been a bit much! Everywhere involves long sets of stairs here so it can be exhausting. A few things are closed on Mondays here but the City Museum was fascinating, deserted but very interesting – mostly paintings but some excellent exhibitions.

A few more churches, they are all so different, and some shopping for pottery and pictures. Developing a real soft spot for Matera.

At one point we were sitting over the road from the Church of Purgatory (very interesting but closed for the day) and I asked Google maps to get me directions – it showed me exactly where I was, and exactly where the church was (about 10m away) but then showed me that it would take 9 minutes to walk there, nearly 1km! Dumb.

Took an afternoon doze and then went out for dinner overlooking the beautiful valley and watching the swifts and martins swooping around. A final G&T on the balcony and bed.